Animated Circular Progress Bar

Animated Circular Progress Bar is a component that displays a circular gauge with a percentage value.


Prop NameTypeDefaultDescription
classstring-The class to be applied to the component.
maxnumber100The maximum value of the gauge.
minnumber0The minimum value of the gauge.
valuenumber0The current value of the gauge.
gaugePrimaryColorstringrgb(79 70 229)The primary color of the gauge.
gaugeSecondaryColorstringrgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)The secondary color of the gauge.
circleStrokeWidthnumber10The width of the circle progress bar.
showPercentagebooleantrueShow the value inside the circle
durationnumber1The duration of the animation (in seconds).

Component Code

You can copy and paste the following code to create these components:

