Particle Image
Visually appealing particle animation applied to images as seen on
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Install Manually
Copy and paste the following code in the same folder
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
imageSrc | string | null | Source URL for the image to which the particle effect is applied. |
class | string | null | Additional CSS classes to apply to the image element. |
canvasWidth | string | null | Width of the particle effect canvas. |
canvasHeight | string | null | Height of the particle effect canvas. |
gravity | string | null | Gravity force affecting the particle movement. |
particleSize | string | null | Size of the particles. |
particleGap | string | null | Gap between particles. |
mouseForce | string | null | Force applied to particles based on mouse movement. |
renderer | "default" | "webgl" | null | The renderer to use for particle generation, either default or WebGL. |
color | string | #FFF | Hexadecimal color code used for particles. Supports 3 or 6 character hex codes. |
colorArr | number[] | null | Array of numbers to define multiple particle colors. |
initPosition | "random" | "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "misplaced" | "none" | random | Initial position of the particles when the animation starts. |
initDirection | "random" | "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "none" | random | Initial direction of the particles when the animation starts. |
fadePosition | "explode" | "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "random" | "none" | none | Position where the particles fade out. |
fadeDirection | "random" | "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "none" | none | Direction in which the particles fade out. |
noise | number | null | Noise of the particles. |
responsiveWidth | boolean | false | Should the canvas be responsive. |
- Credits to Nuxt Labs for this inspiration.
- Credits to NextParticles for the base of the animation library.