3D Text

A stylish 3D text component with customizable colors, shadows, and animation options.

Install using CLI

npx shadcn-vue@latest add "https://inspira-ui.com/r/text-3d.json"

Install Manually

Copy and paste the following code



Prop NameTypeDefaultDescription
textColorstring"white"Color of the main text.
letterSpacingnumber-0.1Adjusts the spacing between letters in ch units.
strokeColorstring"black"Color of the text stroke.
shadowColorstring"yellow"Color of the text shadow.
strokeSizenumber20Thickness of the text stroke in pixels.
shadow1Sizenumber7Size of the first shadow layer in pixels.
shadow2Sizenumber10Size of the second shadow layer in pixels.
classstring""Additional CSS classes for custom styling.
animatebooleantrueEnables wiggle animation when set to true.
animationDurationnumber1500Duration of the wiggle animation in milliseconds.


  • 3D Text Effect: Adds a three-dimensional stroke and shadow effect to text for a bold, layered look.
  • Customizable Colors & Sizes: Easily adjust text color, stroke size, shadow colors, and letter spacing.
  • Wiggle Animation: Includes an optional wiggle animation to make the text bounce for added emphasis.
  • Flexible Animation Control: Customize the animation speed with the animationDuration prop.