Slide to compare any two pieces of content - images, designs, code, or custom elements
Install using CLI
Install Manually
Copy and paste the following code in the same folder
Drag handle with custom content
Custom Content with AutoPlay
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
firstImage | string | "" | URL of the first image |
secondImage | string | "" | URL of the second image |
firstImageAlt | string | "First image" | Alt text for first image |
secondImageAlt | string | "Second image" | Alt text for second image |
class | string | "" | Additional classes for the component |
firstContentClass | string | "" | Classes applied to first content wrapper |
secondContentClass | string | "" | Classes applied to second content wrapper |
initialSliderPercentage | number | 50 | Initial position of slider (0-100) |
slideMode | "hover" | "drag" | "hover" | Interaction mode for the slider |
showHandlebar | boolean | true | Show/hide the handle bar |
autoplay | boolean | false | Enable/disable autoplay |
autoplayDuration | number | 5000 | Duration of autoplay cycle in ms |
Event Name | Payload | Description |
update:percentage | number | Emitted when slider position changes (0-100) |
drag:start | - | Emitted when dragging starts |
drag:end | - | Emitted when dragging ends |
hover:enter | - | Emitted when mouse enters component |
hover:leave | - | Emitted when mouse leaves component |
Slot Name | Default Content | Description |
first-content | <img> element if firstImage prop is provided | Content shown on the left/first side of the comparison. Has full access to component width/height. |
second-content | <img> element if secondImage prop is provided | Content shown on the right/second side of the comparison. Has full access to component width/height. |
handle | Default slider handle with dots icon | Custom handle for the slider. Automatically positioned at the dividing line. Should handle positioning with absolute positioning. |
- Credits to M Atif for this component.
- Inspired from Aceternity UI's Compare.