Images Slider

A full page slider with images that can be navigated with the keyboard.

Install using CLI

npx shadcn-vue@latest add ""

Install Manually

Copy and paste the following code



Prop NameTypeDefaultDescription
imagesstring[][]An array of image URLs to show in the slider.
hideOverlaybooleanfalseDon't create an overlay for the image slider. Slot won't be rendered.
overlayClassstring''A class string to be applied to the overlay container.
imageClassstring'bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat'Class string to apply to each of the images.
enterFromClassstring'scale-0 origin-center'Class string applied to the 'enter-from-class' prop on the image transition.
enterActiveClassstring'transition-transform duration-300 ease-in-out'Class string applied to the 'enter-active-class' prop on the image transition.
leaveActiveClassstring'transition-transform duration-300 ease-in-out'Class string applied to the 'leave-active-class' prop on the image transition.
autoplayboolean|numberfalseAutoplay interval in ms, or false to disable.
direction'vertical'|'horizontal''vertical'The axis on which the slider should operate.
perspectivestring'1000px'The perspective to apply to the slider container.
modelValuenumber0Two-way binding for the current slide image index.


  • Horizontal & Vertical Animations: You can animate the images horizontally (default) or vertically with the direction prop.
  • Preloaded Images: Images are preloaded before showing, preventing flickering loading animation.
  • Customisable Autoplay: Automatically transition through your slides, or allow your users to navigate manually.
  • Overlay Anything: The default slot allows you to overlay whatever content you wish overlay slider.
