Images Slider
A full page slider with images that can be navigated with the keyboard.
Install using CLI
Install Manually
Copy and paste the following code
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
images | string[] | [] | An array of image URLs to show in the slider. |
hideOverlay | boolean | false | Don't create an overlay for the image slider. Slot won't be rendered. |
overlayClass | string | '' | A class string to be applied to the overlay container. |
imageClass | string | 'bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat' | Class string to apply to each of the images. |
enterFromClass | string | 'scale-0 origin-center' | Class string applied to the 'enter-from-class' prop on the image transition. |
enterActiveClass | string | 'transition-transform duration-300 ease-in-out' | Class string applied to the 'enter-active-class' prop on the image transition. |
leaveActiveClass | string | 'transition-transform duration-300 ease-in-out' | Class string applied to the 'leave-active-class' prop on the image transition. |
autoplay | boolean|number | false | Autoplay interval in ms, or false to disable. |
direction | 'vertical'|'horizontal' | 'vertical' | The axis on which the slider should operate. |
perspective | string | '1000px' | The perspective to apply to the slider container. |
modelValue | number | 0 | Two-way binding for the current slide image index. |
- Horizontal & Vertical Animations: You can animate the images horizontally (default) or vertically with the
prop. - Preloaded Images: Images are preloaded before showing, preventing flickering loading animation.
- Customisable Autoplay: Automatically transition through your slides, or allow your users to navigate manually.
- Overlay Anything: The default slot allows you to overlay whatever content you wish overlay slider.
- Component by Craig Riley for porting this component.
- Credits to Aceternity UI for inspiring this component.